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How to buy abortion pills online

Hey Jane provides complete, safe, and legal abortion care from the comfort of your home. Learn more about how to get safe and effective abortion pills online.

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Before online access to abortion pills was available, a person seeking a medication abortion would need to find an abortion provider nearby (hopefully), schedule an in-person appointment at a medical clinic, and then anxiously await their turn in the exam room—all before they’ve even met with a doctor. For many people seeking abortion care, this waiting period is one of the most stressful aspects of having an abortion. A long wait between the time a person decides they’re ready for an abortion and receiving that care serves no medical purpose, doesn’t change a person’s mind, and may impact the type of abortion they can have

The world is shifting more and more into a digital space. Thanks to a change in laws regarding virtual care and telehealth, and an increase in access to abortion medications, it’s no longer necessary for pregnant people who want a medication abortion to wait for care. Organizations like Hey Jane offer accessible telehealth services to provide medication abortion services in 1-3 days—without the in-clinic visit. 

Can I buy abortion pills online?

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, access to abortion clinics around the US has become more and more difficult. Due to anti-choice organizers and lawmakers working to shut down clinics, many people looking to have an abortion are forced to travel long distances and endure medically irrelevant waiting periods to get care. In order to combat these restrictions to abortion access and to address an increasing demand for medication abortion, many organizations now offer medication abortion treatment online without leaving your home. Gestational age requirements vary from state to state, but in many states, medication abortion treatment is available online for pregnant people that are up to 10 weeks gestational age.

Is it legal to buy abortion pills online?

Pregnant people have been self-managing their abortions with medications and herbal remedies since the dawn of time. These days, self-managed abortions (ending an abortion without the supervision of a medical provider) maintain their appeal — especially for people who must travel long-distances to get care, i.e. those with immigration status concerns or those affected by domestic violence. 

The laws surrounding self-managed abortion vary by state. Some states including Oklahoma, Arizona, Delware, South Carolina, and Nevada have criminalized self-managing your abortion. At this time, no one has been prosecuted for ordering abortion pills or getting a prescription for these medications.

Meet Hey Jane: modern, virtual abortion care

Self-managing your abortion is safe as long, as long as you are using reliable medications, have accurate information and instructions, understand how to recognize an emergency situation, and have access to medical-care in case of emergency. Medical providers are not under any duty to report people who have attempted to self-terminate a pregnancy, even in states where it is criminalized.  To identify whether or not your state allows ordering the abortion pill online, check here, as the laws are ever-changing.

Buying mifepristone and misoprostol together online

While you’ll often hear medication abortion referred to as “the abortion pill,” having a medication abortion actually involves taking 5 pills total. The medication, mifepristone, is taken first, followed 24-48 hours later by 4 misoprostol pills that are taken all at once. Together, mifepristone and misoprostol stop the pregnancy from growing and cause vaginal bleeding to empty the uterus. It’s important to take all prescribed medications as instructed in order to complete the abortion.

Mifepristone has been available for use in the United States for the last twenty years. It works to stop the growth of a pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone. When this hormone is blocked, the lining of the uterus or womb begins to break down and the pregnancy is unable to grow any further. 

About 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone, four tablets of the medication misoprostol are taken. Misoprostol was historically taken as a medication for stomach ulcers. However, women in places where abortion has been banned or restricted, discovered an alternate use of the medication: it empties the uterus. When used alone in the first trimester of pregnancy, misoprostol causes vaginal bleeding similar to a very heavy period and results in miscarriage in about 85% of pregnancies. When both mifepristone and misoprostol are taken together as advised, they’re 98% effective in ending a pregnancy. These are the same medications prescribed at a medical clinic for medication abortion treatment. 

Hey Jane makes taking these abortion medications safe and accessible by connecting you with one of our abortion providers in about 24-hours. We’ll ensure you’re eligible for a medication abortion and quickly provide you with FDA-approved abortion pills.

Buying abortion pills online

In order to get started with Hey Jane, check that you’re eligible for our services. You must be at least 18 years old, live in an eligible state, and be up to 10 weeks pregnant in order to receive medication abortion care with Hey Jane . 

If you’re eligible and sign up for treatment, you’ll speak with a licensed medical provider, either via a secure chat or, if preferred, a video visit. A medical provider will review your health history and answer any of your questions. Once approved, you’ll receive your abortion medications in an unmarked box in 1-5 days, depending on your shipping method.

Have more questions? Be sure to check out our FAQ page or contact us here.

Meet Hey Jane: modern, virtual abortion care

Written by

Sally Rashid, RN BSN

Sally Rashid is a Registered Nurse and writer living in Detroit, Michigan. She has worked in reproductive care for a decade as a doula, nurse, and advocate for abortion access. Sally was a 2020 winner of Yes, And Laughter Lab's competitive incubation program for her work as writer and co-creator of Darling, a dark comedy about an abortion clinic at constant risk of closure. On top of writing for the beauty and healthcare industries, Sally is an all-around creative lady who loves music, making connections, and chilling with her two cats.

Publshed on:
September 23, 2024
Last updated:
September 23, 2024

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