Learn about your options

If you are considering your options to end or continue your pregnancy, you are not alone. We’re here to help you explore your options, so that you can choose what is best for you to lead a happy and healthy life.

Decisions about pregnancy are very personal, and each person’s situation is different. At the end of the day, only you know what’s right for you.

Whatever you decide, the important thing is that the decision is yours.

People who are pregnant have three options:


Giving birth and raising the child.


 Giving birth and placing the child with another person or family permanently. 


Using medicines or having a procedure to end your pregnancy.

Who can I talk to about my options?

For more support or if you need help with your decision, check out All-Options. They offer free, private counseling and support by phone or text.

For religious and spiritual support for abortion and pregnancy options, FaithAloud is an another hotline from All-Options.

If you want to speak to someone in-person, many family planning clinics have medically trained staff that can give you information about your options. To find a clinic near you, visit Ineedana.com, where you can also find information on abortion laws by state.

See our Resources Page for more.